Seeing what wasn’t there – 5 observations of opportunity at the #JPM16 conference
As a researcher, I find the best scientists are those who digest a broad spectrum of data and find what isn’t there.
As a researcher, I find the best scientists are those who digest a broad spectrum of data and find what isn’t there.
Yesterday I had my last night on call, working in a busy ED until 2am. Today is my last day practicing medicine.
In 2014, Elizabeth Holmes and I both shared a San Francisco TEDMED stage for the same reason – we were inspired to decrease the pain and fear of needles. She feared needles, and I feared a world where a phobia’s shame kept people from healthcare.
After years of waiting, 55 year old Sue York recently received a pancreas transplant for her diabetes.
Getting buy in to new methods can be difficult – when value collides with complacency or comfort, guess which wins?
Canadian scientists have long been on the forefront of reducing unnecessary pain.
Children have tantrums for several reasons, but they often resort to tantrums when they have lost control and want to regain it.
We heard this week that Buzzy has been implemented to increase HCAHP scores
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