Dr. Baxter talks about what is going to give you longer-lasting immunity, getting sick, the vaccine, or both. She also breaks down the vaccine rollout for teens and pre-teens as Pfizer announces its opening up vaccines to those 12-15. Immunity: Catching COVID vs Vaccination Are you more immune if you caught COVID or got vaccinated? Well, when it comes to variants, antibodies in infected individuals were about 10x lower than those that got a vaccine. Natural antibodies do not last very long, especially in people who had only a mild case. However, the people who got sick and then vaccinated had the highest antibody count, supporting vaccination in either case. In nasal irrigation studies done in healthcare workers, the frontline workers got infected less than was expected. But the neonatologists did not. That’s because all of the other frontline workers were constantly being exposed to other mild coronaviruses, building up an immunity to other strains that aided their immune system and t-cells when interacting with Covid-19. The neonatologists only seeing small babies directly after birth in totally sterile environments did not have similar exposure to other coronaviruses. Vaccination for Teens When it comes to Pfizer approval for teens, should I